16 October 2012

Guest Post: Lindsay - an Update

You may recall a recent guest post written by my friend Lindsay from A Log of My Life. Well, she recently sent me a Facebook message with the following update from her visit with Gretchen. If you need a recap, read Lindsay's guest post here.

I got to meet Gretchen whom I wrote about in the blog post! She is so, so great, and I like her and her family and friends very much. So many people at her school and church were saying, "And you met through Gretchen's BLOG??" It was so much fun.

Also! I mentioned to Gretchen that I'd written about her, and she said, "Yeah, on Cardigans and Old Watches, right? A girl actually found me through that blog and asked if she could support the feeding sites!" I was so happy to hear that! Way to go, Jesus and Ashley and everyone!

Really, interacting with Gretchen's sphere was my favorite part of my trip. Second place goes to wandering around a super rural residential area near the small airport we transferred at. (The locals kept staring at me and my friend and asking where we were going.) (And third place goes to the mangoes and buko shakes. Buko is similar to coconut, but better.) But yeah, Gretchen's sphere was my favorite, and it all made me so happy, and I wanted to share this with you!
The end!

Thanks, Lindsay, for sharing! And thanks so much to whoever donated to the feeding sites! You guys are so awesome! 


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